Vassal Clash IX - 3rd place

Elathain's Soulraid Elathain's Soulraid
Order Order

Card sets (14)

Beastgrave core setBeastgrave Gift Pack expansionThe Wurmspat expansionHrothgorn's Mantrappers expansionMorgok's Krushas expansionArena Mortis expansionDirechasm core setKhagra's Ravagers expansionThe Starblood Stalkers expansionThe Crimson Court expansionHedkrakka's Madmob expansionElathain's Soulraid expansionEssential Cards PackSilent Menace Universal Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 27 non-Rivals card/s | Primacy

Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
B269 Blaze a Trail Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if each surviving friendly fighter is in enemy territory and adjacent to no enemy fighters.
1 - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B301 Show of Force Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after an activation
If: Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
Or: One or more friendly fighters each have three or more upgrades.
1 - Morgok's Krushas expansion - -  
B318 Unexpected Pitfall Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately
After: An enemy fighter is taken out of action by a lethal hex
Or: An enemy fighter is taken out of action by damage dealt by a gambit you played.
1 - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B328 Collapse Universal Ploy Pick three edge hexes in a single group with each hex in the group adjacent to at least one other hex in the group, and all in one player's territory. Each fighter in a hex you picked is dealt 1 damage.
- - The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B364 Rocksnake Toxin Universal Ploy Poison
Choose one enemy fighter adjacent to one or more friendly fighters. The chosen fighter is dealt 1 damage at the end of each action phase. This effect persists until the chosen fighter is taken out of action.
- - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B368 Snare Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during a friendly Hunter's Attack action, after it drives back an enemy fighter. The enemy fighter is dealt 1 damage.
- - Beastgrave core set - -  
B375 Unnatural Truce Universal Ploy Draw up to two power cards. Each other player draws up to one power card.
- - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
G14 Distraction Universal Ploy Choose one enemy fighter and push them 1 hex.
- - Beastgrave Gift Pack expansion ? NewestDuplicate  
A39 Vision of Glory Universal Upgrade Reaction: After an activation, spend 1 glory point. If you do, remove one Move token or one Charge token from this fighter. Then discard this upgrade.
- - Arena Mortis expansion ? -  
DC225 Cold-eyed Killers Elathain's Soulraid Objective Score this in an end phase if two or more enemy fighters were taken out of action in the preceding action phase.
2 - Elathain's Soulraid expansion - -  
DC231 Speed of the Flood Tide Elathain's Soulraid Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory.
1 - Elathain's Soulraid expansion - -  
DC245 Spinefin Toxin Elathain's Soulraid Ploy Poison
Choose one enemy fighter adjacent to a friendly Spinefin. Deal 1 damage to that fighter. In addition, the chosen fighter cannot hold objectives, cannot be on Guard, and cannot make Range 3+ Attack actions. This effect persists until the end of the round or until that fighter is out of action.
- Spinefin Elathain's Soulraid expansion - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
DC248 Born From Agony Elathain's Soulraid Upgrade +1 Wounds
Lethal hexes cannot deal damage to this fighter.
- Idoneth Elathain's Soulraid expansion - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
DC250 Hunter of Souls Elathain's Soulraid Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions that target a fighter with one or more wound counters.
- Idoneth Elathain's Soulraid expansion - -  
DC263 Bold Deeds Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
There are two or more enemy fighters out of action
And: Each surviving friendly fighter is in enemy territory.
2 - The Starblood Stalkers expansion - -  
DC269 Demolish the Opposition Universal Objective Hybrid: Score this in the third end phase if:
There are no enemy fighters in enemy territory
Or: There is no more than one surviving enemy fighter.
3 - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC271 Dominant Display Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Each surviving friendly fighter is in enemy territory
And: You have the Primacy token.
2 - The Crimson Court expansion - -  
DC287 Intimidating Display Universal Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
A surviving friendly fighter has a higher Wounds characteristic than any other surviving fighter
Or: Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory.
1 - Direchasm core set - -  
DC300 Orchestrated Kill Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if the friendly fighter had one or more supporting fighters.
1 - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC333 Unafraid Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter is within 2 hexes of one or more enemy fighters.
2 - Khagra's Ravagers expansion - -  
DC348 Claim to Domination Universal Ploy At the end of the next activation, the player with the highest number of surviving fighters in enemy territory gains the Primacy token.
- - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
DC377 Hypnotic Buzz Universal Ploy Choose one enemy fighter within 2 hexes of one or more friendly fighters. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex.
- - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC454 Impressive Bulk Universal Upgrade -1 Move, to a minimum of 0
+1 Wounds
This fighter is Quarry.
- - Elathain's Soulraid expansion - -  
DC469 Proud Runner Universal Upgrade +1 Move
Each time this fighter finishes a Move action 5 or more hexes from where the Move action began, gain the Primacy token. At the end of the action phase, if this fighter has no Move or Charge tokens, discard the Primacy token.
- - The Starblood Stalkers expansion ? -  
DC478 Savage Strength Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Hunter.
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 or Range 2 Attack actions.
-1 Defence (to a minimum of 1).
- - Direchasm core set - -  
DC480 Scavenged Armour Universal Upgrade You cannot give this upgrade to a fighter in your territory. When you give this upgrade to a fighter, give that fighter one Guard token.
+1 Wounds.
- - Khagra's Ravagers expansion - -  
E2 Branching Fate Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an Attack action if you roll three or more dice during the attack or defence roll and they all show a different symbol.
1 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 9/44 (20.45%)  
E27 Duel of Wits Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after an opponent plays a ploy. Draw two power cards.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 11/44 (25%)  
E34 Lethal Ward Universal Ploy Pick one objective token. Deal 1 damage to any fighter in the same hex as that token.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 12/44 (27.27%)  
E48 Gloryseeker Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions that target a fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 35/44 (79.55%)  
E49 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade +1 Wounds.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 19/44 (43.18%)  
E51 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 37/44 (84.09%)